Our sizing chart is the same for basketball, volleyball, soccer, bowling, rugby, football, frisbee, cycling, triathlon, MMA, badminton, netball, and all other sports not mentioned here. It is also the same for male, female, and transgender. The sizing tags also apply across all ages from the kids to the adults. So, you only need to see one chart for everything. For example, our SMALL is always 36 inches in chest circumference across all sports and gender.
We can also say that our sizing chart is number-oriented, meaning, we put more importance on the number you see on the chart, as that can be the unifying factor for all sizing charts in the world. For example, for the shirt, look for the chest dimension and for the shorts, look for the hips dimension.
To illustrate, if you have your own sizing chart, see what your chart shows about the chest dimension. (If you have your own garment only but not the sizing chart, measure the flat chest dimension and multiply by 2). Now, if your own chart shows (or your own shirt measures) a 44-inch chest dimension (all around measurement), then go to our sizing chart and find the size tag with 44 inches chest. You will find that 44 inches in our sizing chart is 2XL. Do the same thing with the shorts but this time, look for the hips measurement.
Spread the apparel on the table and measure its flat dimension. Get the circumference by multiplying the flat dimension by 2.